How to photograph a grey nurse shark
- Approach dive site in a calm and controlled manner.
- Position yourself in a suitable location to obtain clear images of the sharks.
- Be patient, remain as still as possible in order to allow the sharks to swim past you in their natural pattern.
- Do Not Chase or harm the shark. Refer to the Australian Department of the Environment’s Code of Conduct for diving with grey nurse sharks.

Example of a good photo
The Image should be
- At right angles to the left or right hand flank (side) of the shark
- Be clear enough to show spots and markings on the shark’s skin
- Not overly exposed, making markings difficult to differentiate
- The strobe should be positioned to minimise “backscatter” in the image, as this gets confused with the shark’s markings
- Be captured in the highest resolution for you camera type
- Be sent to the website in J-peg format, preferably no larger than 2Mb
- Have at least 15-20 visible markings on its body on its flank

Example of a good photo
Examples of bad photographs
Image Ownership
We only require these images for research purposes. The ownership of these images always remains with you. Whenever images are used in publications and/or on the website, recognition will be given to the photographer.